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Nurses Corner

            Welcome to our site for health and wellness. Our nurse’s corner is here to make life easy. This site contains information and forms that you may need to update your students file. Your child may come to the Health Office for screenings, health information, advice, medical questions, illness, medication administration, physical exams and assessments, care of injuries or short rest periods for minor discomforts. Students who do not feel well or are unable to attend classes due to an injury will be sent home with a parent or person designated by their guardian/parent who is listed on the students Emergency Form. The nurse will transfer a student to the Emergency Room via EMS ambulance should the student require a higher level of care or if the parent/guardian cannot reach the student in a reasonable and safe time frame.

Medical and Illness information

Meet Our Nurses

 Middle School

Grades 4-8

Mrs. Laura A. Laroche R.N.

845-782-8678 Ext. 52330

Elementary School

Grade PreK-3

Mrs. Amber Pena R.N.

845-477-2411 Ext. 53330