Self Care for Caregivers
It is expected that parents and caregivers will struggle to balance work, child care, remote learning for children and self-care while keeping worries — both your children’s and your own — under control. You are not alone. Prioritizing your own well-being will benefit your entire family.
Productive Ideas
Get a head start on spring cleaning — wash baseboards, clean cupboards, wash screens, etc.
Move furniture/art/knick knacks around to give your house a new look.
Clean out those drawers, take stock of what you have for spring/summer.
Declutter and purge! Think not just of toys and clothes, but even the bathroom by tossing old medications and old makeup.
Clean the garage and vacuum out vehicles.
Do a workout video from YouTube. There are TONS to pick from, and many are kid-friendly too!
Shop online for things you may need soon, and try to focus on smaller businesses when possible.
Edit/unfollow who you follow on social media…If they bring you down, it’s time to go.
Use social media for GOOD. Reach out to 5 people that inspire you and tell them so!
Call or FaceTime a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to in a long time.
Creative Ideas
Draw, color, knit, sew, etc. When was the last time you got artistic?
Create a collage or a vision board if you have old magazines laying around.
Use playing cards to create a game. Each card can represent something fun and different to do!
Go for a nature walk and identify plants.
Start a gratitude journal and list 10 things you are thankful for daily.
Discover new music and make a new playlist with your favorites.
Write a letter and send it in the mail.
Plan an indoor picnic for something fun and different.
Relaxing Ideas
Have an at-home spa day. Use a face mask, or put on nail polish.
Take a bath. Water is an instant calm.
READ. If you aren’t able to go to your library, rent a book from Hoopla with your library card or exchange books with neighbors.
Play with pets — animals can be so therapeutic.
Listen to an inspiring podcast {I do this while I fold laundry}.
Try a new game — video game or a game on your phone just for fun.
Allow yourself to binge watch a show or have a movie day.
Take a nap.
Enjoy a distraction-free family movie night.
Meditate or pray purposefully.
Watch the sunrise or sunset.