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2nd Grade

Grade 2 Curriculum Overview

In second grade math,  mastery of facts to 20 is critical to student success as they build the  foundations for addition and subtraction of two and three digit numbers. Students will continue with number sense in base ten as they move on to measurement, time, money and collecting data later in the year.  The best way to help your child be ready for all we will do this year, is to practice facts everyday.
In second grade, students will practice reading routines and expectations that they will be using to further explore fiction and non fiction texts.  
This year we will be introducing a focus on writing about reading, as we deepen our comprehension skills. 
Encourage your children to read each night,  as well as talk about their reading with you. These conversations will help build our response base and overall comprehension.
In second grade writing, students will be writing various genres throughout the year.  Students use a consistent writing process and work in authentic ways.
Our word study and spelling programs rely on teaching phonemic awareness and phonics.

Stephanie B. Achord


Lisa Peters


Margaret Goetz


Kristen Santopietro