Board Meetings/Committee Meetings
Board of Education Regular Business Meetings for the 2024-2025 School Year:
Meetings are held monthly on Mondays at 6:00 pm in the Middle School Cafetorium unless otherwise noted.
Monday, July 15th
Thursday, August 15th
Monday, September 9th
Tuesday, October 15th
Wednesday, November 20th (Special Business Meeting)
Monday, December 9th
Wednesday, January 15th
Monday February 10th
Tuesday, March 18th
Thursday, April 24th (OU BOCES Budget Vote)
Tuesday, May 20th (Budget Vote & Election)
Monday, June 16th
BOE Committee Meetings:
Board of Education Committee Meeting Schedule
(All committees meet at the Middle School)
Audit Committee: Meeting Dates TBD
Budget Committee & Workshops: Meeting Dates Attached
Facilities Committee: Thursday, Sept. 12 @ 11:00
Friday, October 25th @ 10:00
Friday, November 8th @ 10:00 (cancelled)
Thursday, December 5th @ 10:00
Friday, January 10th @ 10:00
Friday, February 14th @ 10:00
Friday, March 14th @ 10:00
Friday, April 11th @ 10:00
Friday, May 9th @ 10:00
Friday, June 6th @ 10:00
Policy Committee: Meetings held on an “as needed” basis