Board of Education
Next Board Meeting: September 9th @ 6pm at the Middle School
Board of Education
- About the BOE
- Goals
- Roles
- How to Address the Board
- Board Petitions & Qualifications
- Voter Registration and Eligibility
- Board/Committee Members
About the BOE
Meetings and Workshops are held in person at the Greenwood Lake Middle School located at 1247 Lakes Road, Monroe, NY 10950 unless otherwise noted when publicized. Regular monthly Business Meetings are live streamed and can be viewed by visiting BoardDocs through the District Website, Board of Education section.
Board Meetings follow specific rules of order and proceed in accordance with a published agenda. Copies are available at the meeting and in advance of the meeting on the District's website. Board members receive the agenda and supporting materials ahead of time so that they have ample time to carefully consider each item requiring action. District administrators regularly attend Board meetings to provide information and guidance as needed. In addition to the regular business conducted, meetings often include special presentations and student recognition.
Types of Board Meetings
- Regular Business Meetings:
- Special Business Meetings:
- Emergency Business Meetings:
- Executive Session
- Workshops/Work Sessions
Regular Business Meetings:
Regular Business meetings take place monthly, beginning at 6 pm unless otherwise noted on the District calendar and the website. Public Comment is part of regular monthly meetings. Meetings are in person and streamed live. You can join the meeting through the BoardDocs tab of the BOE section of the website. Simply click on the video to join.
Special Business Meetings:
Special Business Meetings take place on an as needed basis. A Special Business meeting occurs when the Board must address business matters that cannot wait for the next Regular Business meeting. Public comment is not a part of these meetings. The time and location of Special Business Meetings vary according to the availability of the Board of Education members
Emergency Business Meetings:
An Emergency Business Meeting takes place when business must be addressed immediately and within a 24-hour time frame of it being announced. Public comment is not part of these meetings. The time and location of Emergency Business Meetings vary according to the availability of the Board of Education members.
Executive Session
Executive Session most often occurs at the beginning or end of a Regular, Special, or Emergency Business Meeting. It is a private meeting solely between the members of the Board of Education and the Superintendent of Schools, unless otherwise invited. This is for the discussion of sensitive subjects such as personnel matters, employee contract negotiations or potential litigation. Executive Sessions are not open to the public. Although discussion occurs in Executive Session, Board action may only take place at meetings when in public session.
Workshops/Work Sessions
Roles of Board of Education
Role of Board of Education
A local board of education is an agency of New York State that is governed by New York State law and the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education. The Board of Education establishes policy, has the fiscal responsibility to provide a budget and hires the Superintendent of Schools. In broad terms, the Board of Education is elected to represent the view of the community in educational matters. Seven district residents make up our Board, and each member currently serves a three-year term.
Role of Superintendent
How to Address the Board
The Board encourages community members to participate in Board meetings and has set aside time in each regular business meeting for residents to be heard. “Public Comment” allows each individual 3 minutes to address the Board on items included on the agenda, as well as those that are not. Public comments should be general in nature, and not specific to any individual. If a parent has a very specific concern relative to a personal situation, employee, or their own child, they should speak directly with the appropriate personnel in District.
If you have specific concerns about your child, you should initially discuss them with your child’s teacher, principal, or guidance counselor closest to the issue. Following this, you may take your concern to a District Office administrator. After working with staff members and administrators, then the matter may be referred to the Board of Education.
Board Petitions & Qualifications
Board of Education elections are held during the annual budget vote. Details about the election will be shared.
To qualify for membership on a school board in a common, union free, central, central high school or small city school district, an individual:
Must be able to read and write
Must be a qualified voter of the district; that is, a citizen of the United States, at least 18 years of age or older, and not adjudged to be an incompetent
Must be and have been a resident (but need not be a taxpayer) of the district for a continuous and uninterrupted period of at least one year immediately before the election
May not have been removed from any school district office within the preceding year
May not reside with another member of the same school board as a member of the same family
May not be a current employee of the school board
May not simultaneously hold another incompatible public office
Running for the School Board: What All Prospective School Board Members Should Know:
For further information, call District Clerk (845) 782-8678
Voter Registration and Eligibility
Where do I vote?
GWL Elementary School
80 Waterstone Rd, Greenwood Lake, NY 10925
Who may vote?
To vote you must be:
- A resident of the district for at least 30 days prior to the vote.
- 18 years of age or older.
- A U.S. citizen
- Registered with the school district or the county Board of Elections.
How do I register?
If you are registered to vote in general elections, you are automatically eligible to vote in school elections. If you are not registered, you can obtain a registration form at the Main Street Building or at any district school.
For more details, call District Clerk (845) 782-8678
How do I get an absentee ballot?
- Step 1-Fill out the Application
- Step 2 -Fill out Application
- When are applications for absentee ballots due?
Step 1-Fill out the Application
First, you must fill out an application for an absentee ballot to confirm the reason why you will not be able to vote in person. There are three ways to fill out the application:
- You can download and print the application for an absentee ballot.
- You can call the district clerk at (845) 782-8678 and ask to have it mailed to you.
- You can visit the district clerk to fill it out in person at the GWL MS
Step 2 -Fill out Application
When are applications for absentee ballots due?
Board/Committee Members
The Board of Education comprises seven unpaid citizens elected to staggered three year terms. The Board establishes broad goals and policy, delegates the Superintendent of Schools and professional staff the authority to achieve those goals, and broadly evaluates progress. Individual trustees act in authority only when assembled as a Board. Meetings occur once monthly during the academic year and are open to the public.
GWL Board of Education Members:
Jonathan Thurber, President
Michele Kayser, Vice President
David Clifford, Trustee
Michael Emsworth, Trustee
Patricia Kaminski, Trustee
Ian Mahony, Trustee
Aaron Nowak, Trustee
BOE Committee Members:
Audit Committee: David Clifford; Michele Kayser; Jonathan Thurber
Facilities Committee: Aaron Nowak; Jonathan Thurber
Budget Committee: Ian Mahony, Aaron Nowak; Jonathan Thurber
Policy Committee: David Clifford; Michael Emsworth; Michele Kayser