Delays and Closings
Emergency Information - Closings, Delays and Early Dismissals
During our winter months, walking and driving may become hazardous due to icy or snowy roads. Under such circumstances, the Superintendent of Schools may delay the beginning of school, dismiss school early or close school in its entirety.
Delayed openings, early dismissals and closings will be announced over the radio, on the District homepage, on the GWLUFSD Facebook page and directly to our K-8 families through our school messenger system.
Important Information for High School, Private & Out of District Students
When GWL School District is closed- no transportation will be furnished to High Schools, BOCES, non-public, or private schools. However, your child's school may be open due to differing weather patterns. We suggest each parent develop a plan to address how they will handle this situation if it does occur.
When GWL School District has a 2 or 3 hour delay - transportation will pick up all of our students on a delay schedule, regardless of how your child's school is handling the weather event.
When GWL School District dismisses early- transportation will pick up all of our students early regardless of how your child's school is handling the weather event.
When GWL School District cancels after school activities - GWLUFSD will not send after-school bussing to the high schools.
If a High School, BOCES, private or non-public school closes early or has a delayed opening and GWLUFSD is running on regular schedule, transportation WILL follow that particular school's schedule for the day.
Please note that the Superintendents from Warwick, Chester and GWL collaborate when delayed openings/dismissals/closings occur prior to making any decisions - we do our best to all remain on the same schedule. Please be sure to check our website when a weather event is occurring.
Local Radio Stations Include: WHUD 100.7 FM ,WGNY 1220 AM & WGNY 103.1 FM
The District utilizes School Messenger as an all-call system alerting our K-8 parents and guardians whenever there is a school closing or delay. Each family is automatically enrolled in this system, however, a letter will be sent in September for those who do not wish to be part of the all-call system allowing them to be removed from the call list.